Tag Archive for: love

Win a Free Card Reading with our Christmas Giveaway!

By joining our Christmas Raffle you're in the draw to win...   …

Goodbye winter depression!

For some, this is the season of skiing and snowboarding, fun…

Zikey’s self-development tools on YouTube!

Zikey is a basket of self-development tools rooted in love. And…

2022 Balance for the good of all

I’m writing this long due blog post from Spain. Although…

HAPPY NEW YEAR with Zikey numerology

2021 has begun, and I want to share my take on the numbers ‘2021’…

Meditation: Channeling love

This is truly a challenging time for many of us. To stay centered…

We or them; – why do we distinguish our self from oneness?

Cycle Card number 6: Wholeness. Recognizing that we are living…

Love in the time of Corona

In these times of Corona virus, people are scared and confused…

Dealing with pain: 6 tips

Those of you who know me personally are aware of my long life…

Daily reminders – Let out the rubbish!

Having small intentions behind simple tasks throughout the day…

Awareness – a curse or a blessing?

Our 3rd Cycle Card out is: Consciousness! Naturally, it belongs…

Merry Christmas! ♡

It’s this time of year. We are celebrating the turn of the…